Install and Test Arduino IDE with Raspberry Pi and Gertboard

0. Make sure ATMega wires are propertly setup.

1. Install Arduino IDE

sudo apt-get install arduino

2. Instal AVRdude, a small tool to transfer sketches over to the board.

cd /tmp


sudo dpkg -i avrdude_5.10-4_armhf.deb

sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/avrdude

3. Automate some process of avoiding potential serial port conflicts

cd /tmp wget chmod +x sudo ./


5. By default Gertboard will use GPIO to communicate through serial port AMA0. However Arduino evnrironment does not detect /dev/ttyAMA0 as serial port and it likes /dev/ttyS1 instead. So link them together.

sudo ln /dev/ttyAMA0 /dev/ttyS1

or to make it permanent

sudo nano /etc/init.d/link_serial

ln -s /dev/ttyAMA0 /dev/ttyS1
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/link_serial
update-rc.d link_serial defaults

5. Run Arduino IDE

6. Select Tools -> Board and then select Gertboard with ATmega328

7. Select Tools -> Programmer and then select Raspberry Pi GPIO

8. Load a sketch such as Blink and modify it to suit the pin number connected to a LED on your Gertboard.

9. Upload using File -> Upload using programmer

10. Wait until it compiles and fully uploaded. Blinking!

To see how we can see messages created by Serial.println on Serial Monitor, please see this article.

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