Using Gertboard ATmega as Arduino board

Gertboard is a great IO extension that has the capability of mimicing behaviour of an Arduino board through its ATMega channels.

To set it up, you need to:

1. Connect the Gertboard wires as follows:

  • GPIO pin 8 with ISP pin 5 (RESET)
  • GPIO pin 9 with ISP pin 1 (MISO)
  • GPIO pin 10 with ISP pin 4 (MOSI)
  • GPIO pin 11 with ISP pin 3 (SCLK)








2. Connect Gertboard GPIO female port with Raspberry PI’s GPIO male port to each other as follows:










3. On Raspberry command prompt run: avrsetup

Select option number one for ATMEGA328, then you will get feedback like:

“Looks all OK – Happy ATmega programming!”

4. To start programming, you will need to install Arduino IDE on your Raspberry Pi.

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3 thoughts on “Using Gertboard ATmega as Arduino board”

  1. Olivier M. says:

    and here is as small sample of what can be done

    1. Dipto Pratyaksa Dipto Pratyaksa says:

      Good idea, what kind of IR remote control would you suggest? Just the standard RC car one?

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