Best Linux Distro for Beginner: Linux Mint better than Ubuntu

Why is Mint better than Ubuntu?

  1. The system Menu. Linux Mint’s menu is simpler than Ubuntu’s. Very easy to navigate, and looks similar to KDE style menu in KDE desktop.
  2. The Update Manager. Mint’s update program seggregates updates into different levels of importance.
  3. Default Software. Mint’s default choice of applications are pretty much all beginners need. This includes OpenOffice and Firefox, alongside Pidgin chatting program, Thurnderbird email and XChat.
  4. Codec supports. Media codecs, Flash and Java are there by default.
  5. Default theme. Theme looks more beautiful than Ubuntu.

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One thought on “Best Linux Distro for Beginner: Linux Mint better than Ubuntu”

  1. Dean says:

    This article is quite interesting, I also have similar question in mind. Mint vs Ubuntu, which one is the best for novices?

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