Stream movies and TV on Raspberry Pi with RaspBMC / OpenELEC

You can now create a Raspberry media centre / home theatre system to watch streaming movies or TV on your Raspberry Pi. For this you need to install Fusion Easy Add-on installer and a Video Add-On to select the channel provider.

Install Fusion

1. Prepare your XBMC on SD Card, boot it up.
2. Navigate to “SYSTEM”, click “File Manager”.
3. Select “Add Source”, click on “<None>”.
4. Type “” on the keyboard and then choose the “Done” button on the left side of the keyboard.
5. You’ll now see the site address that you just typed at the top is listed, next click the empty text box at the bottom under “Enter a name for this media Source.”
6. You’ll now have a keyboard pop up, type “fusion” (without quotations) then press the “Done” button again.
7. Verify that your screen appears as follows, and then press the “OK” button at the bottom in order to save the new file source.
8.  Your File Manager window should have fusion listed.

Install Channel Provider Add-On

1. From the Main Menu, choose “Settings” under the “SYSTEM” menu listing
2. Choose the “Addons” menu from the left side of the window.
3. Select the “Install from zip file” option from the list.
4. Choose the “fusion” folder listed on the right side of the popup.
5. Browse through the Fusion folder and select whichever files you want to install, one by one, and they’ll be instantly available within your XBMC installation.
6.  You’ll now need to click a “Get Add-ons” button.
7. Choose the repository that was just installed from the ZIP file, e.g. “Bstrdsmkr’s Repository”.
8.  Select the “Video Add-ons” option.
9. Click the name of the plugin you wish to enable, such as “1Channel plugin” or “YouTube”.
10. Choose “Install” on the left side to enable the selected video addon.
11. Return to the main menu, and go into the category which your addon was installed to. From the VIDEOS menu, select Add-Ons, and select the channel that you want to watch from there.

Enjoy the show!


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