Raspberry Pi + Pololu Maestro + Python3 + Tornado or CherryPy + Servo Control Part 1
Device.py code listing
To run with Device-tester.py
$sudo python3 Device-tester.py
# Filename:
# Device5.py
# Project Authors:
# Juhapekka Piiroinen
# Brian Wu
# Changes:
# February 8, 2015 by Dipto Pratyaksa
# - Port code from Python2 to Python3
# - added set_angle function to enable servo positioning between 0 and 180 degrees
# September 24, 2012 by Cameron Rodda
# - added minimaestro 12+ multiple servo writes, .set_targets function
# June 14, 2010 by Juhapekka Piiroinen - changes committed to svn
# - added comments for the device commands according to the manual from Pololu
# - added latest draft code for rotating base servo (Parallax Continuous Rotating Servo)
# - note! you should be able to clear error flags with .get_errors function according to the manual
# - renamed CameraDriver to LegacyCameraDriver as Brian Wu has done better one
# - integrated batch of changes provided by Brian Wu
# June 11, 2010 by Brian Wu - Changes committed thru email
# - Decoupling the implementation from the program
# April 19, 2010 by Juhapekka Piiroinen
# - Initial Release
# Email:
# juhapekka.piiroinen@gmail.com
# License:
# Description:
# A python-wrapper for Pololu Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo Controller
# /!\ Notes /!\
# You will have to enable _USB Dual Port_ mode from the _Pololu Maestro Control Center_.
# Device Documentation is available @ http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
# (C) 2010 Juhapekka Piiroinen
# Brian Wu
import serial
import time
def log(*msgline):
for msg in msgline:
print (msg),
class Device(object):
def __init__(self,con_port="/dev/ttyACM1",ser_port="/dev/ttyACM0",timeout=1): #/dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1 for Linux
# lets introduce and init the main variables
self.con = None
self.ser = None
self.isInitialized = False
# lets connect the TTL Port
self.con = serial.Serial(con_port,timeout=timeout)
self.con.baudrate = 9600
log("Link to Command Port -", con_port, "- successful")
except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e:
print (e)
log("Link to Command Port -", con_port, "- failed")
if self.con:
#If your Maestro's serial mode is "UART, detect baud rate", you must first send it the baud rate indication byte 0xAA on
#the RX line before sending any commands. The 0xAA baud rate indication byte can be the first byte of a Pololu protocol
#http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf - page 35
#log("Baud rate indication byte 0xAA sent!")
# lets connect the TTL Port
self.ser = serial.Serial(ser_port,timeout=timeout)
#self.ser.baudrate = 9600
log("Link to TTL Port -", ser_port, "- successful")
except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e:
print (e)
log("Link to TTL Port -", ser_port, "- failed!")
self.isInitialized = (self.con!=None and self.ser!=None)
if (self.isInitialized):
err_flags = self.get_errors()
log("Device error flags read (",err_flags,") and cleared")
log("Device initialized:",self.isInitialized)
## common write function for handling all write related tasks
def write(self,*data):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
if not self.ser.writable():
log("Device not writable")
for d in data:
if type(d) is list:
# Handling for writing to multiple servos at same time
for li in d:
## Go Home
# Compact protocol: 0xA2
# --
# This command sends all servos and outputs to their home positions, just as if an error had occurred. For servos and
# outputs set to "Ignore", the position will be unchanged.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def go_home(self):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
## Set Target
# Compact protocol: 0x84, channel number, target low bits, target high bits
# --
# The lower 7 bits of the third data byte represent bits 0-6 of the target (the lower 7 bits), while the lower 7 bits of the
# fourth data byte represent bits 7-13 of the target. The target is a non-negative integer.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def set_target(self, servo, value):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
if not self.ser.writable():
log("Device not writable")
value = int(value)*4
log("servo: {} value: {}".format(servo, value))
commandByte = 0x84
commandByte2 = 0xaa + 0x0c + 0x04
channelByte = servo
lowTargetByte = value & 0x7F
highTargetByte = (value >> 7) & 0x7F
self.write(commandByte, channelByte, lowTargetByte, highTargetByte)
def setAngle(self, servo, angle):
if angle > 180 or angle <0:
self.write(0xFF, servo, byteone)
def setRotation(self, servo, angle):
if angle > 254 or angle <0:
self.write(0xFF, servo, angle)
## Set Targets
# Compact protocol: 0x9F, number of targets, first channel number, first target low bits, first target high bits, second
# target low bits, second target high bits, ...
# --
# This command simultaneously sets the targets for a contiguous block of channels. The first byte specifies how many
# channels are in the contiguous block; this is the number of target values you will need to send. The second byte specifies
# the lowest channel number in the block. The subsequent bytes contain the target values for each of the channels, in order
# by channel number, in the same format as the Set Target command above.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def set_targets(self,num_targets,start_channel,values):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
result = []
for k in range(num_targets):
print ("K=",values[k])
highbits,lowbits = divmod(values[k],32)
#lowbits = values[k] & 0x7F
#highbits = (values[k] >> 7) & 0x7F
if type(start_channel) is list:
start_channel = min(start_channel)
self.write(0x9F,num_targets,start_channel,lowbits, highbits, lowbits,highbits)
## Set Speed
# Compact protocol: 0x87, channel number, speed low bits, speed high bits
# --
# This command limits the speed at which a servo channel's output value changes. The speed limit is given in units of (0.25 us)/(10 ms)
# --
# For example, the command 0x87, 0x05, 0x0C, 0x01 sets
# the speed of servo channel 5 to a value of 140, which corresponds to a speed of 3.5 us/ms. What this means is that if
# you send a Set Target command to adjust the target from, say, 1000 us to 1350 us, it will take 100 ms to make that
# adjustment. A speed of 0 makes the speed unlimited, so that setting the target will immediately affect the position. Note
# that the actual speed at which your servo moves is also limited by the design of the servo itself, the supply voltage, and
# mechanical loads; this parameter will not help your servo go faster than what it is physically capable of.
# --
# At the minimum speed setting of 1, the servo output takes 40 seconds to move from 1 to 2 ms.
# The speed setting has no effect on channels configured as inputs or digital outputs.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def set_speed(self,servo,speed):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
highbits,lowbits = divmod(speed,32)
self.write(0x87,servo,lowbits << 2,highbits)
def set_speeds(self,servos,speeds):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
index = 0
for s in servos:
if type(speeds) is list:
highbits,lowbits = divmod(speeds[index],32)
self.write(0x87,s,lowbits << 2,highbits)
#log("MULTI: channel %s; speed %s"%(s,speeds[index]))
index += 1
elif type(speeds) is int:
highbits,lowbits = divmod(speeds,32)
self.write(0x87,s,lowbits << 2,highbits)
#log("SINGLE: channel %s; speed %s"%(s,speeds))
log("Set Speed: <Type> Error"); return
## Set Acceleration
# Compact protocol: 0x89, channel number, acceleration low bits, acceleration high bits
# --
# This command limits the acceleration of a servo channel's output. The acceleration limit is a value from 0 to 255 in units of (0.25 us)/(10 ms)/(80 ms),
# --
# A value of 0 corresponds to no acceleration limit. An acceleration limit causes the speed of a servo to slowly ramp up until it reaches the maximum speed, then
# to ramp down again as position approaches target, resulting in a relatively smooth motion from one point to another.
# With acceleration and speed limits, only a few target settings are required to make natural-looking motions that would
# otherwise be quite complicated to produce.
# --
# At the minimum acceleration setting of 1, the servo output takes about 3 seconds to move smoothly from a target of 1 ms to a target of 2 ms.
# The acceleration setting has no effect on channels configured as inputs or digital outputs.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def set_acceleration(self,servo,acceleration):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return
highbits,lowbits = divmod(acceleration,32)
self.write(0x89,servo,lowbits << 2,highbits)
## Set PWM (Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 only)
# Compact protocol: 0x8A, on time low bits, on time high bits, period low bits, period high bits
# --
# This command sets the PWM output to the specified on time and period, in units of 1/48 us. The on time and period
# are both encoded with 7 bits per byte in the same way as the target in command 0x84, above.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def set_pwm(self):
## Get Position
# Compact protocol: 0x90, channel number
#Pololu protocol: 0xAA, device number, 0x10, channel number
# Response: position low 8 bits, position high 8 bits
# --
# This command allows the device communicating with the Maestro to get the position value of a channel. The position
# is sent as a two-byte response immediately after the command is received.
# --
# If the specified channel is configured as a servo, this position value represents the current pulse width that the Maestro
# is transmitting on the channel, reflecting the effects of any previous commands, speed and acceleration limits, or scripts
# running on the Maestro.
# --
# If the channel is configured as a digital output, a position value less than 6000 means the Maestro is driving the line low,
# while a position value of 6000 or greater means the Maestro is driving the line high.
# --
# If the channel is configured as an input, the position represents the voltage measured on the channel. The inputs on
# channels 0-11 are analog: their values range from 0 to 1023, representing voltages from 0 to 5 V. The inputs on channels
# 12-23 are digital: their values are either exactly 0 or exactly 1023.
# --
# Note that the formatting of the position in this command differs from the target/speed/acceleration formatting in the
# other commands. Since there is no restriction on the high bit, the position is formatted as a standard little-endian two-
# byte unsigned integer. For example, a position of 2567 corresponds to a response 0x07, 0x0A.
# --
# Note that the position value returned by this command is equal to four times the number displayed in the Position box
# in the Status tab of the Maestro Control Center.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def get_position(self,servo):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return None
command = chr(0x90) + chr(servo)
#command = chr(0xaa) + chr(0x0c)+chr(0x10)+chr(servo)
#self.write(0xAA, 0x0C, 0x10, servo)
data = self.ser.read(2)
if data:
return (int(data[0])+int(data[1]<<8))/4
return None
def get_positions(self,servos):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return None
result = []
for s in servos:
data = self.ser.read(2)
if data:
result.append( (int(data[0])+(int(data[1])<<8))/4 )
result.append( None )
return result
## Get Moving State
# Compact protocol: 0x93
# Response: 0x00 if no servos are moving, 0x01 if servos are moving
# --
# This command is used to determine whether the servo outputs have reached their targets or are still changing, limited
# by speed or acceleration settings. Using this command together with the Set Target command, you can initiate several
# servo movements and wait for all the movements to finish before moving on to the next step of your program.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
# WARNING: BUGGY! 0x01 always returned althoug it has stopped
def get_moving_state(self):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return None
data = self.ser.read(1)
if data:
return data[0]
return None
## Get Errors
# Compact protocol: 0xA1
# --
# Response: error bits 0-7, error bits 8-15
# --
# Use this command to examine the errors that the Maestro has detected.
# --
# The error register is sent as a two-byte response immediately after the command is received,
# then all the error bits are cleared. For most applications using serial control, it is a good idea to check errors continuously
# and take appropriate action if errors occur.
# --
# Source: http://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J40/maestro.pdf
def get_errors(self):
if not self.isInitialized: log("Not initialized"); return None
data = self.ser.read(2)
if data:
return int(data[0])+int(data[1])<<8
return None
## a helper function for Set Target
def wait_until_at_target(self):
while (self.get_moving_state()):
## Lets close and clean when we are done
def __del__(self):
if (self.ser):
except Exception as e:
if (self.con):
except Exception as e:
#convert angle 0-180 degrees to servo pos
def set_angle(self, servo, min, max, degree):
print("Degree = " , degree)
def up(self, servo, min, max):
def mid(self, servo,min,max):
def down(self, servo,min,max):