1. Connect the red wire of the buzzer to GPIO Pin 5 and the black one to GPIO ground
2. Copy the following code into buzzer.py
3. Run it with this command: sudo python3 buzzer.py
4. You can also use this as a module in your robot project.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #import the GPIO library import time #import the time library class Buzzer(object): def __init__(self): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) self.buzzer_pin = 5 #set to GPIO pin 5 GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.OUT) print("buzzer ready") def __del__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ print (class_name, "finished") def buzz(self,pitch, duration): #create the function “buzz” and feed it the pitch and duration) if(pitch==0): time.sleep(duration) return period = 1.0 / pitch #in physics, the period (sec/cyc) is the inverse of the frequency (cyc/sec) delay = period / 2 #calcuate the time for half of the wave cycles = int(duration * pitch) #the number of waves to produce is the duration times the frequency for i in range(cycles): #start a loop from 0 to the variable “cycles” calculated above GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, True) #set pin 18 to high time.sleep(delay) #wait with pin 18 high GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, False) #set pin 18 to low time.sleep(delay) #wait with pin 18 low def play(self, tune): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.OUT) x=0 print("Playing tune ",tune) if(tune==1): pitches=[262,294,330,349,392,440,494,523, 587, 659,698,784,880,988,1047] duration=0.1 for p in pitches: self.buzz(p, duration) #feed the pitch and duration to the function, “buzz” time.sleep(duration *0.5) for p in reversed(pitches): self.buzz(p, duration) time.sleep(duration *0.5) elif(tune==2): pitches=[262,330,392,523,1047] duration=[0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0,5] for p in pitches: self.buzz(p, duration[x]) #feed the pitch and duration to the function, “buzz” time.sleep(duration[x] *0.5) x+=1 elif(tune==3): pitches=[392,294,0,392,294,0,392,0,392,392,392,0,1047,262] duration=[0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.8,0.4] for p in pitches: self.buzz(p, duration[x]) #feed the pitch and duration to the func$ time.sleep(duration[x] *0.5) x+=1 elif(tune==4): pitches=[1047, 988,659] duration=[0.1,0.1,0.2] for p in pitches: self.buzz(p, duration[x]) #feed the pitch and duration to the func$ time.sleep(duration[x] *0.5) x+=1 elif(tune==5): pitches=[1047, 988,523] duration=[0.1,0.1,0.2] for p in pitches: self.buzz(p, duration[x]) #feed the pitch and duration to the func$ time.sleep(duration[x] *0.5) x+=1 GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.IN) if __name__ == "__main__": a = input("Enter Tune number 1-5:") buzzer = Buzzer() buzzer.play(int(a))
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