Robot Project Day 8 – Tilt servo for hand gripper (claw)

After testing all the basic functions of a robot in previous post,  a nice additional feature of a robot is to include a hand gripper.

You can purchase a pan & tilt kit for standard servo and a hand gripper kit which you can combine to create a nice pick-grip-release motions.

For hand gripper, you only need one mid-size servo attached to tilt kit for up and down rotations, and another servo to control the actuall gripping movement.


LinuxCircle has discussed at least 2 ways to control servos with Arduino Sketch and Python.

Basically you can pre-set the angular position of the tilt servo:

  • 90 degree: Neutral position
  • 110 degree: When it goes down to pick up an item
  • 70 degree: When it goes up after gripping an item

As an alternative, you can also attach a camera instead of a claw. Let’s go and build the gripper!

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