Previous: Day 9 – Advance: Hand Gripper
Everybody is on the net, and that can include your robot. One easiest method to control your robot is via a client computer’s web browser. Because Raspbian can run web servers like Apache, Node, or Tornado, you can serve a web page and create communication channels with the servo drivers with the help of web sockets.
Example of a control interface can be found here:
- If you like NodeJS: HTML script, NodeJS script
- Or if you prefer Python: Python 3 and Tornado
There are other methods to control the robots too like mobile phone interface or XBOX controller.
What you can control:
- The wheels. Depending how many wheel motors are attached to your robot:
- Front Left wheel forward
- Front Left wheel backward
- Front Right wheel forward
- Front Right wheel backward
- Rear Left wheel forward
- Rear Left wheel backward
- Rear Right wheel forward
- Rear Right wheel backward
- Combine some of them together and you will get nice motions such as: rotating, moving backward and forward, turning forward right and left, and turning backward right and left.
- Gripper with tilt motion
- LEDs
- Cameras streaming live feed back to the browser
- Simple beep buzzers attached on Pi GPIO pins.
- Stereo speakers playing awesome tunes like the Mario Bross theme songs.
- Sensors. These sensors can provide some textual feedback to the interface:
- Temperature / Humidity sensor
- Light sensor
- Ultrasound distance sensor
- Other little sensors to help the robot sense the environment.
That is the end of our 10-days long project. Now let’s add another creature into our growing population of the Internet of Things.
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