Build a Wireless Hot-spot Access Point with Raspberry Pi 2

Why you want a Pi 2 hot spot?

  • To extend the range of your current wifi router
  • Direct access to your Pi robot without waiting for a router to manage your connections. 1-to-1 is obviously faster then 1-to 1-to-1.
  • To share Pi’s Internet connection with multiple devices

Hardware list:

  1. Raspberry Pi 2
  2. 5V 2A wall adapter or battery
  3. USB UART for initial setup
  4. 2 Wifi dongles
  5. SD Card running latest Raspbian
  6. A laptop
  7. Reliable Internet connection via a wifi router

Follow the following instruction from Adafruit.

If you have 2 wifi dongles, when you edit the iptables simply replace reference to eth0 to wlan1. This way any traffic coming into wlan1 will be forwarded to wlan0.

IF you are experiencing disconnection to the Internet (via wlan0) when you connect to wlan1, follow this following tips:

sudo nano /etc/default/ifplugd

replace all reference to “all” to “eth0”.
ARGS=”-q -f -u0 -d10 -w -I”

This will keep the configuration for both wlan0 and wlan1 in /etc/network/interfaces, when wlan1 goes up.


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