Speech recognition on Raspberry Pi 2 with Python 3 (preparation)

There are a few modules you can use for converting speech input into a textual output.

One of the simplest one for the beginner is :  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SpeechRecognition/

Here are the preparation steps that we use to try the module:

  1. Plug a microphone into a USB Sound card dongle. Follow this instruction to configure it.
  2. Install necessary software:
    1. sudo pip-3.2 install SpeechRecognition
    2. sudo apt-get install python3-pyaudio
    3. sudo apt-get install flac
  3. Test-run the installation:
    1. python3 -m speech_recognition

You may get some errors, due to compatibility issues. Feel free to modify the sample codes installed to find the solution, and post your comments below.

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One thought on “Speech recognition on Raspberry Pi 2 with Python 3 (preparation)”

  1. Dante says:

    Work For me. thank you

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