Linux distro desktop environment review on HP Spectre 12 X2 tablet laptop

We were excited to test the following Linux distros on HP Spectre 12 X2, and see what work well out of the box. So far only the 64-bit versions of Linux work on this machine.

Ubuntu 16.04 Unity:

  • Boot up: Yes
  • Touch screen support: Worked well
  • Detachable keyboard: Worked well
  • Trackpad: Worked well
  • Keyboard speaker: Off

Linux Mint Cinnamon:

  • Boot up: Yes
  • Touch screen support: Yes
  • Detachable keyboard: Not working
  • Trackpad: Not working
  • Keyboard speaker: Off

Fedora 23 Workstation (GNOME3):

  • Boot up: Yes
  • Touch screen support: Yes
  • Detachable keyboard: Work well
  • Trackpad: Work well
  • Keyboard speaker: Off

Debian XFCE:

  • Boot up: No, it went into the booting screen, and just
  • Touch screen support: No
  • Detachable keyboard: No
  • Trackpad: No
  • Keyboard speaker: Off

Manjaro XFCE:

  • Boot up: No, it was going into desktop, print out driver loading texts, and just stays blank forever
  • Touch screen support: No
  • Detachable keyboard: No
  • Trackpad: No
  • Keyboard speaker: Off

None of XFCE version of any distro worked on the device, there could be some missing driver.

Coming Up: Korora 23 GNOME3 How is your experience with running Linux on tablet?

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3 thoughts on “Linux distro desktop environment review on HP Spectre 12 X2 tablet laptop”

  1. meh... says:

    Due to Mint being based upon Ubuntu, couldn’t you load the drivers and tools that Ubuntu used to make the keyboard and trackpad work as well? It seems a little disingenuous to not do that due diligence.

    1. Dipto Pratyaksa Dipto Pratyaksa says:

      How are you suggesting to load drivers without mouse and keyboard?

      1. meh... says:

        They have USB Type-C ports. One could use an adapter and a hub. Then keyboard + mouse.

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