Regardless of the dongle manufacturer, any wifi dongle that uses Realtek 8188 chip is known to be fast and reliable. However Raspbian does not have a native support out-of-the-box. We need to manually install the driver before we can use it.
Update your Rasbpian:
sudo apt-get update
(Optional) If you feel that it is too old, then upgrade your distro:
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Check the kernel version you are in. To check:
uname -a
It will show something like: 3.18.7-v7+ #755
Please note that the file to be downloaded depends on your the kernel version. Please search for it accordingly. Refer to the following discussion for complete list:
Get an internet connection with existing wifi dongle or ethernet cable and follow the following steps:
For Example, my Pi2 is running 3.18.7-v7+ #755
, so the correct file according to the forum is: 8188eu-v7-20150212.tar.gz
wget (replace this with the correct file version)
tar xzf
Plug in your USB dongle, then reboot:
sudo reboot
If successful, you should be able to see your wlan0 or wlan1 using ifconfig -a command.
Unplug the other wifi / ethernet cable. Configure the new wifi, you will have faster connection now.