The most crucial addition of the Pi is power supply. A lot of them do not work properly. We have compared a few chargers: Blackberry Bold charger, iphone charger, and Huawei charger.
The best one for charger is Huawei 240v Micro USB charger. Try to find it in your local supplier or import direct from China.
Casing has also become a very imporant addition, because the Raspberry is a very sensitive device, you want to keep it from the dust, heat, and spills. There are a few types of the case, ususaly they dont disclose the GPIO port. So depending on what you need, but if you are thinking of attaching to extension boards such as the Gertboard, you must chose the one with GPIO slot open.
There are a number of options, but they best one perhaps is the Transparent Deluxe. It’s a see-through casing with Raspberry logo on it.
SD Card
This is where you store your Raspbian OS. Anything above the 4GB Class 6 is good. But the best one so far with cheap price is SanDisk 8GB Class 10.
Wifi Dongle
The best Wifi dongle for the Pi is Wipi by Element 14. This is very small yet powerfull USB device, runnable for Wireless N.
You would need extran ‘oomph’ when you attach peripherals like Wifi Dongle, wireless keyboard and mouse and webcam, so you would need a powered USB hub. Chose the one with 7 ports, because it gives you enough power to actually power your PI via one of its port. Just attach your micro USB port on Raspberry into the hub. This way it is quite efficient, becasuse you would not need the Power Adapter.
Monitor Cables
Any HDMI cable is okay but some consume a lot of power. Make sure you have enough current.
Another option if your TV or monitor is older, you can opt for the S-Video port, which is basically the yellow cable that connects the video component into the back of the monitor.
Audio Cables
Any stereo audio cable is suitable for the Pi. You can directly connect it to your speaker or headphone.
Other Accessories
Other accessories can include heatsink. Although it is not necessary, it can reduce up to 2 degrees Celcius. The Pi is designed to take on a lot of heat, but it would actually help when you are running it on overclocked speed in hot summer day. These heatsinks usually come with a sticker to attach to your processor and RAM.