0 A.D. Real Time Strategy Game for Linux
If you liked Age of Empire series from old PC days, a group of open-source developers came up with brilliant game that has similar looks and gameplay. It is free to download and you can play single mode or go against other human / A.I. opponents in multiplayer setting. This…

Playing “Mission Impossible” Tune on a Arduino with 2 Voices
Dear Arduinoists, Inspired by Dipto’s version of the Super Mario tune with two voice, I wanted to make my own tune. I had the notations of the MI-Theme for the easy piano lessons laying around, and I thought to myself, lets convert it. It was needed for a little game…

Best Linux Distro for Beginner: Linux Mint better than Ubuntu
Why is Mint better than Ubuntu? The system Menu. Linux Mint’s menu is simpler than Ubuntu’s. Very easy to navigate, and looks similar to KDE style menu in KDE desktop. The Update Manager. Mint’s update program seggregates updates into different levels of importance. Default Software. Mint’s default choice of applications…

Arduino Temperature & Humidity Sensor
This tutorial will use DHT22 sensor which has the following characterisitics: Low cost 3 to 5V power and I/O 2.5mA max current use during conversion (while requesting data) Good for 0-100% humidity readings with 2-5% accuracy Good for -40 to 125°C temperature readings ±0.5°C accuracy No more than 0.5 Hz…

OpenELEC advantages over RaspBMC or XBian
Here we go again. We got confused which OS to download and install for our Raspbery Pi Media Centre. Two major OS although there is a new challenger XBian. Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center (OpenELEC) is a small Linux distribution built from scratch as a platform to turn your computer into an…