Boot into Raspberry Pi with USB Serial Console Cable

Ethernet port does not exist on Raspberry Pi Model A. And when you got no monitor screen to connect to, configuring your headless Pi may not be possible. Your only option would be to connect to your Pi from a laptop via a console cable. For this exercise you are…

How to upgrade to Linux Mint 17 Qiana

1. Check your Linux Mint version by running the following commands in Terminal. $ sudo cat /etc/issue $ sudo cat /etc/ $ sudo cat /etc/lsb-release $ sudo cat /etc/os-release 2. Make sure you create a backup copy of your system sources. $ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak $ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list.bak…

Robot Project Day 7 – Testing Your Robot

Previous: Day 6 – Arduino Sketch for Robot Control To recap our connections will roughly look like this: Your client PC -> Your Raspbery Pi (which contains Arduino Sketch)  -> Motor Controller via USB cable -> 4 Servo Motors  First, you need to know if you get a response from…

Easy way to install Arch Linux

Arch is very stable, and highly customizable linux distro. You will like it if you want to build your OS up from scratch. Prepare partition You can use gparted from Ubuntu Live CD or another GUI tool to create root, home, and swap partitions. Or you can follow the following instruction. Login as…

Robot Project Day 6 – Arduino Sketches for Robot Control

Previous: Day 5 – Power Supplies If you are familiar with Arduino IDE sketch, you could program simple commands to control the motors first. The most important thing to remember is that each motor controller is different, and each one would have a dedicated ports for you to connect up the…

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