Stream movies and TV on Raspberry Pi with RaspBMC / OpenELEC

You can now create a Raspberry media centre / home theatre system to watch streaming movies or TV on your Raspberry Pi. For this you need to install Fusion Easy Add-on installer and a Video Add-On to select the channel provider. Install Fusion 1. Prepare your XBMC on SD Card, boot…


NOOBS – Raspbery Pi Raspbian and XBCM OS installer

Raspberry OS installation just got easier for newbies. There is an installer called New Out Of the Box Software, hence the name NOOBS the noobie installer. You can download it from You can chose from a list of available Operating Systems designed for Raspberry Pi. To install it: Log into…


Basic Raspberry / Linux command prompt commands to get you through

ls list current directory files and folders. cd dirname enter a selected directory. mkdir dirname create a directory. sudo su setup root password. rm filename remove a file. rm -R foldername remove files recursively, including sub folders. chown username filename. Change ownsershipmtoma username. chmod 777 filename. Make read write pemission…

Programming and uploading Arduino sketch without IDE

arduino-mk package makes it simple to build and upload sketches on a Raspberry Pi without the bloated Arduino IDE. Install the package: sudo apt-get install arduino-mk This will install all the required software and files. Create a library area in your user home directory with a demo sketch in it:…


How to extract / uncompress tar gz file

Supposed you have a tar.gz file or tar.bz2 file, here is how you can extract them using the tar function. Type at the command prompt. Make sure you have the ownership and permission of the file. tar -xvzf file-1.0.tar.gz – to uncompress a gzip tar file (.tgz or .tar.gz) tar…

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