AVR-GCC programming – Simple Interrupt for blinking LED on Arduino Uno using pure C
Interrupt is powerfull tool because you can harnest the hardware power of Arduino, for instance to blink multiple LEDs simultaneously. Supposed you want to blink a LED using interrupt and not a timer, the following example will toggle PIN13 (PB5) which is liknked to the in-built LED using Timer. …

Low level C programming for Arduino Uno without Arduino Genuino IDE
The beauty of C language is that it can go deeper at the hardware level, so you can optimise your hardware use and do more advance stuff with it. The easiest way to learn low level programming on the Arduino is to switch off your Arduino IDE and jump straight…

Graphics and game programming using C++ and SDL
Prepare the your environment. Install g++ Install sdl Install vim and configure .vimrc for C++ projects Run your first hello world program Display Window Graphics basics Sprite and animation basics Keyboard inputs Mouse inputs Summary

Take low light, dark night photos, with Raspberry Pi Zero W with NoIR camera and send them across network with Python and socket
The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the latest addition to the Pi, with small form factor which makes it suitable for spy camera, that you could put on the shoe shelves to monitor your cat. The NoIR camera is a modification to the Raspicam without the Infrared filter. This filter…

TinyDB – The simplest no SQL python database for Raspberry Pi
So your Python program needs to remember the variables you set for your electronics. One way is to use text file, but organising data in text files are cumbersome. You need structure like json. With TinyDB you can control what goes in and out. It basically stores database schema in…