Programming and uploading Arduino sketch without IDE

arduino-mk package makes it simple to build and upload sketches on a Raspberry Pi without the bloated Arduino IDE. Install the package: sudo apt-get install arduino-mk This will install all the required software and files. Create a library area in your user home directory with a demo sketch in it:…

humidity sensor

Arduino Temperature & Humidity Sensor

This tutorial will use DHT22 sensor which has the following characterisitics: Low cost 3 to 5V power and I/O 2.5mA max current use during conversion (while requesting data) Good for 0-100% humidity readings with 2-5% accuracy Good for -40 to 125°C temperature readings ±0.5°C accuracy No more than 0.5 Hz…


Arduino vs Gertboard Pin assignment dictionary

  Arduino Gertboard Function A0 PC0 Analog A1 PC1  Analog  A2 PC2 Analog A3 PC3 Analog A4 PC4 Analog A5 PC5  Analog  0 PD0 RxD 1 PD1 TxD 2 PD2   3 PD3 PWM  4 PD4   5 PD5 PWM  6 PD6 PWM 7 PD7   8 PB0   9…

“Hello World” Running Arduino IDE Serial Monitor on Gertboard

 So you have tried the following code and include Serial.println(“Hello World!”); in your sketch yet nothing happens? To see printed messages on the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor,  you need to link up the broken-out Raspberry pins as follows:  Raspberry Mini UART TXD (GPIO pin 14) -> Gertboard MCRX (1 jumper) Raspberry Mini UART RXD (GPIO pin 15) ->…


UPDATED Arduino Sketch for Robot Car that listens to NodeJS serial commands

#include <pitches.h> #include <MemoryFree.h> #include <Servo.h> #define sensePin A2 //right sensor #define trigRight 0 #define echoRight 1 //center sensor #define trigCenter 2 #define echoCenter 10 //left sensor #define trigLeft A4 #define echoLeft A5 #define melodyPin 8 //put the buzzer into pin 2 #define melodyPin2 12 //put the buzzer into pin…

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