
Simultaneous sounds on Arduino – Melody, harmony, chords

After a long research LinuxCircle team found this neat piece of code to play notes on two speakers simultaneously. This is very usefull when you want to add ornaments to the songs, such as harmony and chords. The problems with the current tone() function is that it only plays one…


The complete Arduino Sketch for DFRobot Romeo motors, servo, LEDs, sound, and obstacle sensors

The beauty about DFRobot Romeo V2 is its completeness. The code exposes the board’s capabilities to: Travel (forward, reverse, left, right, forward left, forward right, reverse left, reverse left) Blink LEDs ‘Sing’ songs through buzzer Detect obstacles and respond to it Tilt web cam servo Response to buttons and Read…

Playing Mario Bros Tunes on Arduino with a Piezo Buzzer

Arduino Uno diagram This is a very useful note on how to play tunes with your Arduino-compatible devices. 1. Connect your Piezo Buzzer red cable (+) in Arduino digital pin #3 and black cable (-) into ground pin. 2. Set the Led in pin #13 to blink. This will blink…


4WD Chassis Power Wiring Setup

Some notes on how to charge the batery pack without opening the chassis. The Chassis came with wires. Cut them up and make sure they are enough for everything. 4 Things to be wired up: Battery Pack of 5 rechargable batteries (2 wires: positive red , negative black) Switch (3 pins:…


Hack your old Remote Control Car toy – Pololu Servo Controller and Raspberry Pi

Got old toy rubbish you dont know where to put? Well bring to life again with Raspberry Pi and Pololu 1350 Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo controller. The idea is to replace the remote control receiver with Pololu Servo Controller, and drive it automously or manually via a remote web server. This…

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