How to backup Raspbian SD card into your harddisk
To backup, you cannot directly copy Raspbian files into your hard disk. What you need to do is create a disk image. Disk image will preserve all the files and filesystem structure of the SD Card regardless of what desktop OS you use. On Ubuntu or other Linux system type…
Change device host name of your Raspberry Pi
The default hostname is “raspberrypi”, we can change that to “raspberrygertrover” or any name that you like. Step one is to edit the hosts file to ensure that the device knows when it should refer to itself. we can do this by using Nano any other text editor. Enter the following : sudo…
How to prepare and install RaspBMC SD Card on Linux
Preparation Prepare an SD Card of at least 8GB Class 10. We need the size and speed to play video files properly. Log into any Linux machine with good Internet connection. This was run using Ubuntu. Installation Launch a shell prompt. This can be done on Linux Command Line Interpreter…
Basic Raspberry / Linux command prompt commands to get you through
ls list current directory files and folders. cd dirname enter a selected directory. mkdir dirname create a directory. sudo su setup root password. rm filename remove a file. rm -R foldername remove files recursively, including sub folders. chown username filename. Change ownsershipmtoma username. chmod 777 filename. Make read write pemission…
Programming and uploading Arduino sketch without IDE
arduino-mk package makes it simple to build and upload sketches on a Raspberry Pi without the bloated Arduino IDE. Install the package: sudo apt-get install arduino-mk This will install all the required software and files. Create a library area in your user home directory with a demo sketch in it:…