IoT: Detect sound of your door bell with Raspberry Pi, ADC chip and Python 3 (Part 1)
Imagine a door bell that will activate a camera when someone presses it. Imagine a door bell that will notify someone is at your door via SMS or Telegram app. Physical events can be detected by applying an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) that will convert voltage signals into…

Back to basic: Code “Hello world” in C with Raspberry Pi 3
So you all got your new and shiny Raspberry Pi 3, and you can’t figure out how to program it. Before you dwell into endless digital jungle, here is the most fundamental way to write your first piece of software, to take you back to a nostalgic era when software…

What do you use your Pi for?
In Melbourne we run our monthly Jam. We would like to know what people from other cities are doing in their Jams. Share your Raspberry Pi projects with the world here: Raspberry Jam Project List Get some suggestion on how to move forward, or simply brag on what you have achieved.

Quickly and simply install Node.JS on Raspberry Pi 2 Raspbian
Update the system sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Download the source curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash – Install it sudo apt-get install nodejs Check version number nodejs -v v0.10.40 Run it nodejs >console.log(‘hello mojo!’); hello mojo

TEA5767 FM radio digital tuner with Raspberry Pi 2 (part 3 of 3)
Previous: part 2 of 3 The Pi GPIO provides flexible mechanism of communicating with external digital device. I2C communication pins enables the bytecode read and write capabilities. By having several class functions in TEA5767 driver file, one can instantiate an object an create different type of user interfaces including a…