UDOO = Raspberry Pi + Arduino on one integrated board!

Crowd funding for the latest hybrid has started! Udoo has the power of 4 times Raspberry Pi’s and the capability to easily connect to sensors, and takes commands from Arduino IDE too! More info: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/435742530/udoo-android-linux-arduino-in-a-tiny-single-board


UPDATED Arduino Sketch for Robot Car that listens to NodeJS serial commands

#include <pitches.h> #include <MemoryFree.h> #include <Servo.h> #define sensePin A2 //right sensor #define trigRight 0 #define echoRight 1 //center sensor #define trigCenter 2 #define echoCenter 10 //left sensor #define trigLeft A4 #define echoLeft A5 #define melodyPin 8 //put the buzzer into pin 2 #define melodyPin2 12 //put the buzzer into pin…

HTML script to listen and send commands to Arduino via Serial Port

This is the source code for the web page interface to control your robot. For this to work you need the corresponding NodeJS script behind it.   <html> <head> <title>Rasinro – Rasberry Internet Rover</title> </head> <body onmousemove=””> <h1>Rasinro – Raspberry Internet Rover</h1> <p>Status: <span id=”status”>Waiting…</span></p> <table border=’1′> <tr align=”center”><td><button id=’fl’ type=”button”>Forward…

nodeJS on Raspberry Pi

NodeJS Script to listen and send command to Arduino Robot

var SerialPort,fs, http, io, server, net, serial, port; fs = require(‘fs’); http = require(‘http’); net = require(‘net’); var light1 = true; var light2 = true; SerialPort = require(‘serialport’).SerialPort; port = ‘/dev/ttyACM0’; server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { return fs.readFile(“” + __dirname + “/mobil2an.html”, function(err, data) { res.writeHead(200, { ‘Content-Type’: ‘text/html’ });…


Communicates with Arduino via Website with NodeJS

Install Node JS Install Node Serial Port: https://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport Install Coffee Script: npm install -g coffee-script Copy the following coffee script and compile it {SerialPort} = require(‘serialport’) fs = require ‘fs’ port = ‘/dev/ttyACM0’ serial = null value = 0x00 toggle = => value = if value == 0x00 then 0x01…

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