Raspy Juice Review – Raspbery PI Servo Controller

For the Raspberry Pi (RPi) low-cost educational computer, the Raspy Juice Expansion Board is a compact piggyback PCB board that power supply the required and regulated +5V to the RPi from a wide range of voltage sources, provides an RS232-level console breakout port and a real-time clock. This provides the…



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Arduino LED brightness – Analog Basic

The Analog pins on the Arduino or DFR Romeo can be used to adjust the brightness of a LED. The analog pin takes anything between 0 and 255. 0 means off, 255 means the brightest. Make sure you resist the voltage using a suitable resitor to preserve the LED life. Connect the…

FREE RASPBERRY PI! Delivered to your door – Blogging Competition

Yes! Rapsberry Pi Model B delivered for free to anywhere in the world. Two simple steps: Please provide a decent comment for each of at least 3 articles written in this blog site. Please anser these questions in the comments in this “FREE RASPBERRY PI” article: 1. If you have…


Bar Camp Melbourne 2013: Raspbery Internet Rover presentation #bcm2013

The Bar Camp Melbourne was held on 16/3/13 in Cause Way House, Lt Collins St, Melbourne. The audience got so excited, they took-over control via their iPhones and Androids. The robot got crazy taking commands from 5 different people. Slide show from the Workshop can be found here: Raspberry Internet…

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