
How to log in into Raspberry remotely via SSH?

1. Note your Raspberry active IP address that is associated on either eth0 if you use LAN cable or wlan0 if you use wifi: ifconfig 2. Ensure your Raspberry opens its SSH port. Go to Raspi Config to set it up sudo raspi-config Enable SSH Restart 3. From  your desktop / laptop / other remote…


How to shut down or restart Linux / Raspbian from command line?

To shut down: sudo halt now To restart: sudo reboot or sudo halt -r now


Recommended Raspberry Pi Accessories

Charger The most crucial addition of the Pi is power supply. A lot of them do not work properly. We have compared a few chargers: Blackberry Bold charger, iphone charger, and Huawei charger. The best one for charger is Huawei 240v Micro USB charger. Try to find it in your local…

Displaying your Raspberry IP address on Adafruit RGB LCD 16×2 Shield

Please follow the instruction from Adafruit to prepare your RGB LCD Shield.×2-character-lcd-plus-keypad-for-raspberry-pi After essambling your Adafruit LCD Shield kit and downloading all the necessary requirements to run it with I2C. A few complaints about 0x20 address cannot be accessed via I2C. Make sure you change your bus number in…

Gertboard Review – Bridging Raspberry Pi and the outside world

The Raspberry Pi is limited with its access to the outside world, e.g. out of the ‘virtual’ softare realm.  Lucky we got Gertboard that introduces us to the physical computing concept. What can it do? Run motors out of its motor port Run Arduino shields, through its ATMega 328 Run both digitial and…

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