Arduino Distance Sensor Script

You can buy the 4-leg sensor shield that is compatible with Arduino, to detect and measure the distance of any obstacles that may block your Arduino car.   For connecting to your existing Raspberry Internet Rover, you can find any 2 spares of the pins. This examples uses 12 (trigger), 13 (echo), voltage…

Raspberry Internet Rover Part 5 – Webcam

For the camera, basically it uses the same configuration as previously mentioned in MJPG tutorial. Just embed the video feed into the remote control web page. Make sure the web cam is properly attached with the Pan & Tilt servo, and set it up to start automatically when the Datagram…

Raspberry Internet Rover Part 4 – NodeJS HTML Client

Now lets have a look on the remote control interface. Just copy and paste the HTML script below: <html> <head> <title>Rasinro – Rasberry Internet Rover</title> </head> <body onmousemove=””> <h1>Rasinro – Raspberry Internet Rover</h1> <!– <input type=”text” autofocus=”autofocus” /> <button type=”button” id=”publish”>publish</button> <button type=”button” id=”broadcast”>broadcast</button> <button type=”button” id=”whisper”>whisper</button> –> <p>Status: <span…

nodeJS on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Internet Rover Part 3 – NodeJS server

Install by typing: npm install Install zeparser: npm install zeparser , then copy paste this instruction below: var fs, http, io, server, net; fs = require(‘fs’); http = require(‘http’); net = require(‘net’); var light1 = true; var light2 = true; server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { return fs.readFile(“” +…

Raspberry Internet Rover Part 2 – Python Datagram Server Codes

Some python code in the Raspberry Pi is needed to send commands. Install socketIO_Client for your python from : Then please save this file in your Raspberry and run it. # # Datagram socket server class – derives from sserver # import socket import serial import sserver from socketIO_client…

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