Raspberry Internet Rover Part 1 – Robotics Basics
After trying different configurations and spent almost 1 month, we finally got the final product! It’s called Rasinro = Raspberry Internet Rover, sounds a bit Japanese right? What we need: The 4WD rover chassis: 4 dc motors, wheels, decent platform and casing, and pack of 5 batteries. Arduino Device: DFRobot…

How to prepare and boot Raspberry Pi
Got Raspberry for the first time? This is what you need to have Ingredients Raspberry Pi board Nice Casing SD Card 8GB Class 10 5v 1000mA charger with MicroUSB port like old Huawei or Nokia charger HDMI cable or S-Video Audio cable Nice stereo speakers TV or monitor USB keyboard…

Run OMXPlayer from Raspberry Desktop Menu
Being able to double-click media files to run it somehow is so liberating. Raspberry Pi version of Debian (Raspbian) came up with OMXPlayer as its default media player. We might as well optimise it, so we can watch video or listen to our favourite MP3s while working on it. First,…

Controlling Arduino Motors via Raspberry-Hosted Website (Part 2)
We want to send commands to our remote-control Arduino car. One way to communicate directly with Arduino from Python is through Serial interface. For this we need a Python library called pySerial, which allows direct signal manipulation via serial ports. Installation PySerial is available as a standard Debian package. sudo apt-get install python-serial…

Raspberry Pi ‘Made in UK’ Model B Board Available in Melbourne!
Good news! Raspberry Pi ‘Made in UK’ Model B Board Available in Melbourne! There are also several crucial peripherals such as: power supply casing SD-Cards wifi dongles You can bid for a combined package to get a cheaper price. Check this Ebay seller: ELMTREE Computers & Hobbies [post_view]