Take low light, dark night photos, with Raspberry Pi Zero W with NoIR camera and send them across network with Python and socket
The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the latest addition to the Pi, with small form factor which makes it suitable for spy camera, that you could put on the shoe shelves to monitor your cat. The NoIR camera is a modification to the Raspicam without the Infrared filter. This filter…

Control serial infrared camera VC0706 with UART, Raspberry Pi and Python 3
So you bought a serial infrared camera from Adafruit running VC0706 chip, you want to know how to use it? 1. ssh into your Pi: ssh pi@ (address of your Pi) then enter your usename and password. 2. Prepare your Raspberry Pi GPIO UART serial pins. Turn them off as…

View image on your Pi remotely over SSH
So you think you have captured a few good pictures with Pi Cam using the simple command raspistill -o image.jpg and now you want to view it quickly? So you think you can use all the available command prompt picture viewers like fbi, fim, w3m work well? Well, none of…

Raspberry Pi Camera
The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is a custom designed add-on for Raspberry Pi. It attaches to Raspberry Pi by way of one of the two small sockets on the board upper surface. This interface uses the dedicated CSI interface, which was designed especially for interfacing to cameras. The CSI bus…