Alternative Linux Desktop Environment: OpenBox
We all tried GNOME, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, and the recent generation of DEs such as Cinnamon and Unity. They are all bloated and overrated. Now we want to switch to a light-weight, clean, fast, and highly customisable that you can build from scratch: OpenBox. OpenBox is a configurable menu system…

Linux distro desktop environment review on HP Spectre 12 X2 tablet laptop
We were excited to test the following Linux distros on HP Spectre 12 X2, and see what work well out of the box. So far only the 64-bit versions of Linux work on this machine. Ubuntu 16.04 Unity: Boot up: Yes Touch screen support: Worked well Detachable keyboard: Worked well…

Easy way to install Arch Linux
Arch is very stable, and highly customizable linux distro. You will like it if you want to build your OS up from scratch. Prepare partition You can use gparted from Ubuntu Live CD or another GUI tool to create root, home, and swap partitions. Or you can follow the following instruction. Login as…

Best Linux Distro for Beginner: Linux Mint better than Ubuntu
Why is Mint better than Ubuntu? The system Menu. Linux Mint’s menu is simpler than Ubuntu’s. Very easy to navigate, and looks similar to KDE style menu in KDE desktop. The Update Manager. Mint’s update program seggregates updates into different levels of importance. Default Software. Mint’s default choice of applications…

Top 10 Linux Distros for Desktop
In the world of Linux, questions on which distro to download asked everyday. Distro or distribution is the Operating System variant and set of applications that sits on the Linux Kernel. This can include a large collection of software applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, media players, and database applications….