Play Mario Bros theme song on Arduino and 2 piezo buzzer / speakers in Stereo Harmonies
Here is the code! Go get it, Luigi! Orignal work by John Harrison that the following code was based on: http://cratel.wichita.edu/blogs/engr101fall2010/2010/11/29/2-voices-simultaneously-on-1-arduino/ // 2 voices on 1 Arduino // demo by John Harrison // Nov 28, 2011 // public domain // Modified by Dipto Pratyaksa // Added Mario tunes by Dipto…

Playing Mario Bros Tunes on Arduino with a Piezo Buzzer
Arduino Uno diagram This is a very useful note on how to play tunes with your Arduino-compatible devices. 1. Connect your Piezo Buzzer red cable (+) in Arduino digital pin #3 and black cable (-) into ground pin. 2. Set the Led in pin #13 to blink. This will blink…