UPDATED Arduino Sketch for Robot Car that listens to NodeJS serial commands
#include <pitches.h> #include <MemoryFree.h> #include <Servo.h> #define sensePin A2 //right sensor #define trigRight 0 #define echoRight 1 //center sensor #define trigCenter 2 #define echoCenter 10 //left sensor #define trigLeft A4 #define echoLeft A5 #define melodyPin 8 //put the buzzer into pin 2 #define melodyPin2 12 //put the buzzer into pin…

NodeJS Script to listen and send command to Arduino Robot
var SerialPort,fs, http, io, server, net, serial, port; fs = require(‘fs’); http = require(‘http’); net = require(‘net’); var light1 = true; var light2 = true; SerialPort = require(‘serialport’).SerialPort; port = ‘/dev/ttyACM0’; server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { return fs.readFile(“” + __dirname + “/mobil2an.html”, function(err, data) { res.writeHead(200, { ‘Content-Type’: ‘text/html’ });…

Arduino Robot Functions Ideas
All these functions are possible using DFRobot Romeo V2. Feel free to suggest a better board or function wish-list items. Digital Pins: Blink LEDs Adjust LED brigthness with PWM Motor: PWM speed and direction control Servo: Pan & Tilt Object grabber Buzzer / Speaker: Play a short tune Sing a song…

Bar Camp Melbourne 2013: Raspbery Internet Rover presentation #bcm2013
The Bar Camp Melbourne was held on 16/3/13 in Cause Way House, Lt Collins St, Melbourne. The audience got so excited, they took-over control via their iPhones and Androids. The robot got crazy taking commands from 5 different people. Slide show from the Workshop can be found here: Raspberry Internet…

Raspberry Internet Rover Part 5 – Webcam
For the camera, basically it uses the same configuration as previously mentioned in MJPG tutorial. Just embed the video feed into the remote control web page. Make sure the web cam is properly attached with the Pan & Tilt servo, and set it up to start automatically when the Datagram…